Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Cómo imprimir en tela con impresora, tintas de sublimacion y papel por sublimación

Cómo imprimir en tela con impresora, tintas de sublimacion y papel por sublimación

Bueno, es finalmente aquí! Aquí está mi tutorial, cómo imprimir sobre tela usando una impresora de inyección de tinta y papel de sublimación de tinta todo en la comodidad de su propia casa. Casi me he perfeccionado mi proceso para esto y estoy muy emocionada de compartir con todos ustedes hoy. 

A continuación encontrará las instrucciones de paso a paso de vídeo para averiguar cómo imprimir sobre tela, que también tiene una propina extra para ayudar a que el tejido retener más de la tinta de sublimacion después de que haya sido lavado en la lavadora. Desplazarse hacia abajo más allá del vídeo si desea ver una lista de lo que se necesita, junto con algunas notas. 

Lo que necesitará para la impresión en tela en el hogar
Tela de algodón 100%

Impresora de inyección de tinta (estoy usando una impresora Epson XP-410)

Pigmento de la tinta tomado el sol para su impresora de inyección de tinta (yo uso la tinta de sublimación de Epson)

Herramientas de corte afilados (tijeras o un cortador rotativo, regla y base de corte)


Tabla de planchar

El pegarse rodillo de la pelusa (opcional, pero muy recomendable)

Un pedazo de papel en la impresora

1) Asegúrese de espejo o voltear la imagen antes de imprimirla.
2) Asegúrese de imprimir en el lado de color blanco brillante del papel.

PASO DOS - transferir su imagen
1) Precalentar prensa a 375º - 400º F.
2) Pulse la prenda durante 3-5 segundos para liberar la humedad y eliminar arrugas.
3) Coloque la cara impresa hacia abajo la imagen.
4) Use cinta de transferencia de calor para asegurar el papel en el blanco.
5) Lugar de teflón u hoja de papel de pergamino en la parte superior del papel de sublimacion
6) Para la tela de prensa sublimaciones a 400º durante 35 segundos a media presión. Para la prensa cubierta del iPhone a 356 ° durante 120 segundos con presión media.
7) Cuando el tiempo se acaba abierta la prensa y eliminar rápidamente la transferencia.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Unas informaciones sobre las técnicas de impresión de sublimación en trajes

Unas informaciones sobre las técnicas de 

impresión de sublimación en trajes

Hay varias técnicas de impresión, y cada uno de ellos es adecuado para una determinada estrategia de negocio. Esto es bastante simple para ver cuál se ajusta mejor a sus necesidades, ya que cada técnica de impresión tiene sus ventajas y desventajas, dependiendo del número de colores utilizados, sobre el calendario, y en los costes. Voy a explicar cada uno de ellos y pueden decidir qué método prefiere.

Las técnicas de impresión
PANTALLA DE IMPRESIÓN - Es el método más comúnmente utilizado para la impresion de camiseta. Utiliza pantallas de tela pegada a colocar pintura sobre camisetas un color por pantalla. Cada pulsación utiliza un solo color, significa que para un diseño de la camiseta que tiene 5 colores, necesitará 5 pantallas separadas. impresión de la pantalla es de alta calidad y con aspecto profesional, duradera, ademas, muy efectivo de precios en órdenes de volumen. 

Algunas desventajas podrían ser: es un poco incómodo de trabajar con muchas pantallas, y si usted quiere hacer una camiseta o dos, definitivamente no es la mejor opción. Además, la serigrafía tiene costos adicionales, dependiendo del número de las pantallas en color. En cuanto a los colores de la camiseta, si desea imprimir en camisetas oscuras, hay una blanca debajo de la base que necesita ser impreso por primera vez.

DIRECTO A LA IMPRESIÓN DE ROPA (DTG) - Si bien la técnica de serigrafía considerada tradicional y conocido por todos, la impresión directa a la prenda es bastante nuevo. Debido a que es nueva, la impresora también es muy caro, pero la calidad de las camisetas impresas es excelente. Con la directa a las impresoras de prendas de vestir, el diseño se imprime directamente en la camiseta o en el producto deseado (cojín de ratón, gorras, etc). 

El procedimiento de la técnica permite un número ilimitado de colores y matices que se imprimirán, cosa que no podría ser posible con la impresión de la pantalla. Es la opción perfecta para camisetas e imágenes muy detalladas. La impresión directa a la prenda se considera que es la única opción profesional para las órdenes de ejecución bajas.

Esto significa que puede imprimir una camiseta o 100 sin problemas. El proceso de impresión en el caso de DTG lleva más tiempo que en el caso de la serigrafía y la gran desventaja es que la obra no se puede imprimir en camisetas oscuras (con pocas excepciones). Además,  por la cual la impresora no imprime el color blanco. El resultado es profesional y el diseños no se siente en la prenda.

No se duden en conectarnos para obtener más informaciones.
Tel: 86-025-83228884
Whatsapp: +86 18652932170
Dirección: No. 323 carrera central, ciudad Nanjing, provincia Jiangsu, China

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Cómo saber papel de sublimacion para la impresión del poliester

Cómo saber papel de sublimacion para

 la impresión del poliester

Si la tela y los medios de transporte se compensa, que se ejecutan a través de un conjunto de rodillos de presión calentados en torno a 400 ° F (aproximadamente 205 ° C). A medida que el material pasa a través de los rodillos, el calor hace que sucedan dos cosas al mismo tiempo. En primer lugar, los poros de la tela de poliolefina se expanden y abierta. En segundo lugar, el medio de contraste desde el papel de transferencia se convierte en un estado gaseoso y la presión de las fuerzas de los rodillos en las células abiertas de la tela de polietileno, la infusión así el color para convertirse en parte de la propia tela.

Para la impresión por sublimación, todos sabemos que los tejidos de algodón y poliéster son generalmente bastante resistente, y por su uso en un desfile, no puedo pensar en ninguna razón o el uso, la lluvia, la nieve, el sol, o lo que sea, eso perjudicaría a un tejido de poliéster popelina bandera. El proceso de impresión de tinte sub infunde permanentemente el tejido poli con el color durante el proceso de impresión de tal forma que se puede enviar estos banners a través de la lavadora sin pérdida de color, y una tormenta de lluvia sería más suave que su lavadora promedio, nos pensamos.

Este proceso es algo así como la impresión de fotografías en la que los tonos son continuas, a diferencia del modelo de punto de una impresora de inyección de tinta. Esto también es lo que crea la riqueza de color, el tono, y la continuidad de sublimación de tinta impresa gráficos de tela que capturan los ojos de todos.

Si no está familiarizado con el tinte de impresión por sublimación de banners y pantallas y más, permítanme explicar un poco acerca de este proceso de impresión, ya que es uno de mis temas favoritos, ya que produce hermoso, de alta calidad y duradero si las impresiones buenas y las impresoras se utilizan tintas. En primer lugar, en este proceso de impresión, la primera pista está en la primera palabra. Colorante. Tintas, per se, no se utilizan en este tipo de impresión, sino más bien, porque estamos imprimir sobre tela, que utilizan tintes. El conjunto de colorante utilizado en la impresión por sublimación de tinta es ligeramente diferente a la impresión de inyección de tinta, y en lugar de la estándar CMYK (cian, magenta, amarillo y negro) conjunto de cartuchos de tinta usados ​​en una prensa de impresión digital o serigrafía, incluso, sub tinte utiliza el colorante establecer CMYO, acrónimo de Cyan-magenta-amarillo-barniz de sobreimpresión.

Las fibras naturales no se pueden utilizar en el proceso de impresión debido a su estructura celular y la química de la sublimación de tinta. En vez de imprimir directa al sustrato o tela como la impresión digital haría, las primeras impresiones sub impresora colorante a un papel de transferencia, acertadamente llamado "papel de transferencia." La imagen se imprime en inverso sobre el papel de transferencia, y una vez impreso, se quita de la impresora y "casado" a una pieza de material a base de olefina, típicamente de poliéster.

No se duden en conectarnos para obtener más informaciones.

Tel: 86-025-83228884
Fax: 86-025-85288894
Whatsapp: +86 18652932170
Dirección: No. 323 carrera central, ciudad Nanjing, provincia Jiangsu, China

Algunos consejos de impresión de sublimación sobre tela

Algunos consejos de impresión de 

sublimación sobre tela

La impresión por sublimación, también conocida como impresión por sublimación de tinta, es un método de impresión para la transferencia de imágenes sobre un sustrato (normalmente un material de tela, tal como poliéster). La sublimación se refiere a un proceso en el que una sustancia se mueve de un sólido a un estado de gas sin tener que estar en un estado líquido. La impresión por sublimación normalmente implica el uso de una impresora digital para producir imágenes reflejadas en el papel de transferencia por sublimación que ha sido especialmente recubiertas con un material de transferencia.

La impresión continua tono que crea variaciones y transiciones de color brillante y suave que encontrará con la impresión de inyección de tinta, y un aspecto general superior, en nuestra opinión. Además, debido a que el tinte impregna o se sublima en el tejido, es permanente y no puede desprenderse, como algunos tipos de voluntad tintas, en especial tintas utilizadas para la confección de las camisetas o tintas impresas sobre sustratos rígidos. Por lo tanto, la durabilidad y la apariencia son probablemente los mejores ejemplos de la superioridad de la impresión por sublimación de tinta de tela o prendas de vestir.

La primera desventaja de la impresión por sublimación de tinta sobre tela es más lenta que la impresión de inyección de tinta porque tiene dos procesos en la parte de transferencia de calor de sublimación de tinta, por lo que los costos de mano de obra va a ser más alta en algún grado, aunque ahora hay impresoras que tienen la tela y inline papel y se dejan arrastrar por los rodillos calientes como la impresora sigue print. La segunda desventaja es que se resuelve mediante las unidades de impresora / rodillos nuevos que acabamos de explicar en el párrafo anterior.

En el pasado, y en la actualidad, no es raro que el tejido para conseguir un pliegue o arruga en el mismo, o el papel, y de repente toda la impresión por transferencia y la pieza de tela se arruina. Usted tendría que empezar de nuevo. Muchos de los que han estado en esto por un tiempo y están utilizando los precios mayores cargo por el equipo más altas por pie cuadrado para el material más amplio, pero muchos no lo hacen también que tienen el equipo más nuevo.

No se duden en conectarnos para obtener más informaciones.
Tel: 86-025-83228884
Fax: 86-025-85288894
Whatsapp: +86 18652932170
Dirección: No. 323 carrera central, ciudad Nanjing, provincia Jiangsu, China

Monday, August 8, 2016

¿Cuál es papel por sublimación y tinta de sublimacion?

¿Cuál es papel por sublimación y 

tinta de sublimacion?

El proceso de impresión por sublimación se compone de un colorante que es comúnmente anotada como una tinta CMYO en comparación con la tinta de impresión, que es el estándar CMYK (cian-magenta-amarillo-negro). El tinte se imprime en un papel, conocido como papel de transferencia por sublimación o papel de transferencia de sublimación de tinta, luego se transfiere a través de calor y presión a las tazas, posavasos, alfombrillas de ratón, tejidos de poliéster que se utilizan en prendas de vestir y expositores publicitarios y pancartas, y muchos otros artículos.

Debido a la química implicada con estos colorantes, con calor y presión transformar el colorante al gas, que en realidad se convierte en parte del sustrato. El calor no sólo transforma el colorante al gas, sino que también expande los poros de poliéster o polímeros (tales como los recubrimientos poliméricos a diversos sustratos o materiales) y permite que el gas se extrae en los poros. Una vez que el sustrato se enfría de nuevo, los poros estrechos y permitir que el tinte se convierta en sólido, integrado de forma permanente en el tejido o material polimérico. Este colorante también es resistente a la decoloración y es probable que dure por muchos, muchos años.

Debido a que los poros del sustrato necesitan para mantener el tinte cuando los poros se cierran, otras telas o sustratos no sostendrán el colorante. Por lo tanto, si se va a imprimir un 100% algodón camiseta con el proceso de impresión por sublimación de tinta, el algodón no tendría la química necesaria para los poros para cerrar firmemente alrededor de la tintura para poder mantenerse en el material o sustrato. Incluso los artículos como tazas de café necesitan ser pre-tratada con un revestimiento polimérico o el tinte sub impresión no va a funcionar. Tenga en cuenta que la sublimación también no funciona en sustratos oscuros, y que el material blanco o ligeramente blanquecino siempre funcionará mejor.

Hay un tipo de impresión por transferencia de calor que va a funcionar bien con algodón o fibras naturales que realmente químicamente reticular la tinta con algodón. Este método, que no puedo nombrar, debido a limitaciones con algunos de los sitios que publico mis artículos sobre, da el algodón el suave tacto de una sub impresión de tinte, colores vibrantes y la capacidad de lavado superior, similar a la impresión real de sublimación de tinta en tejidos de poliéster. La impresión resultante utilizando este proceso es la impresión más atractiva en camisetas de algodón disponible en el mercado hoy en día.

En comparación con las tintas de serigrafía, que también se pueden utilizar en las camisetas de algodón, este medio de transferencia de calor no se sienta en la parte superior de las fibras como la tinta impresa de pantalla hace, y es especialmente útil cuando se desea una imagen a todo color o foto. Y, a diferencia de las tintas impresas pantalla, impresión por sublimación de calor en camisetas de algodón deja un tejido transpirable, no tapado con partículas de tinta que se pegan a la fibra de algodón. Y la fibra se mantiene suave también.

No se duden en conectarnos para obtener más informaciones.

Tel: 86-025-83228884
Fax: 86-025-85288894
Whatsapp: +86 18652932170
Dirección: No. 323 carrera central, ciudad Nanjing, provincia Jiangsu, China

Friday, August 5, 2016

Newly Launched 70gsm/75gsm High Speed Sublimation Transfer Paper

Warm Tips:

1. About storage:
In order to protect unused sublimation paper, it is recommended to store it in its original packaging, in the poly bag at 59°F -86°F( 15°C -30°C) and 30-70% RH.
2. About printing:
Image side is wound to the outside of the paper. Printing is performed in ″mirror″ image. Allow the printing ink to dry before transferring.
3. What is the "SUBLIMATION":
1). What is the sublimation transfer printing:
Heat sublimation transfer printing is using sublimation ink, sublimation printer to print image such as portrait, landscape, text etc by reversal way on the sublimation transfer paper, and then heated to a temperature of about 200 ℃ with heat transfer equipment, sublimation ink which is on paper will be in the form of gasification into substrates, so as to put the paper on the vivid images to transfer to textiles, porcelain, porcelain plate, metal material of a new technology.
2). Printers used:
Normal inkjet printers and sublimation inkjet printers.
Wide inkjet printers: Mimaki, Roland, Mutoh, Epson, MS JP4
3). Special sublimation ink:
Must use sublimation ink, this kind of ink made of disperse dye inks, it will produce sublimation and substrates with dyeing after high temperature, good quality ink is no plug nozzle, the sublimation ink color is vivid, good stability.
4). Adjust the appropriate concentration of color:
Adjust the concentration of the color in the computer, avoid the ink is too dry, need to check the effect of transfer after adjustment.
5). Adjust appropriate heat pressing temperature and time:
Heat transfer in the temperature range of about 165-220°C, time of about 20 to 35 seconds, you should try small sample printing before the formal mass transfer.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Ten Advantages of Sublimation Transfer Paper For Digital Textile

Thermal transfer paper with special thermal transfer ink to various patterns printed on a special paper above, then the temperature and pressure will shift again to the pattern on the product. This particular paper in a thermal transfer process is called the thermal transfer paper. It refers to the transfer sheet after transfer printing dye transfer printing process to the top of the fabric. It is based on some of the characteristics of sublimation disperse dyes, and the choice in 150 ~ 230 ° C sublimation disperse dyes, which blend and paste the "color ink", according to the different requirements of the design patterns, the "color ink" printing in the transfer paper to (this is a special off paper, it said transfer paper), then the printed patterns of close contact with the transfer paper and fabric, in the case of control of a certain temperature, pressure and time, through diffusion effect into the interior of the fabric, so as to achieve the purpose of coloring.

Skyimage 100g 52"(1.4m*100m ) Heat Transfer Large-format Printing Sublimation Printing Paper
Thermal transfer paper it can be divided into the following advantages:
1.100% sustainable wood pulp, 100% renewable
2.100% unbleached fibers, do not add brighteners, chlorine element, the transfer process, no harmful emissions
3. Hybrid dual coating structure to support the amount of ink saturation print 400% crack-free film, no back penetration, good paper smoothness, high print accuracy, structured, color gamut
4. Different surface tension ink compatibility is good, high tolerance, support industrial grade unattended operation

Skyimage 120gsm 17" Fast Dry Sublimation Transfer Paper for Larger-format Printing
5. The full size error <2%, reel points section neat, precise feed back on both sides of the wet process technology does not warp, deformation of high wet strength, low-speed large amount of ink to print without distortion, the nozzle opening Guaceng
6. ink absorbing capacity, reduce passive drying fast drying, improve production efficiency, paper flowers no longer moving pollution, reduce scrap rates
7, high thermal stability, no distortion, no wrinkle, high paper strength, easy to break
8, high ink utilization efficiency, the transfer rate
9, paper flowers drying time was no color, stable color performance
10, full-line control, evaluation system, stable quality, service radius effective coverage
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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

5 Steps Show You How Digital Printing Paper & Ink Works On Fabric


To better understand how digital textile printing works on fabric, and to help you define your needs and possible solution requirements, we have defined the 5 basic parts to the process.

1. Fabric

Fabric comes in many different properties such as natural fibers, 100% synthetic, blends of synthetic and natural fibers and in either 2 or 4 way stretch or non-stretch. Each fabric can be digitally printed and you have choices of ink that allow you to print on these fabrics. Many of our customers print natural fiber, non-coated fabrics with our P50i Pigment ink for soft furnishing and fashion applications because of how easy it is to fix after printing. However, some customers use our  dye sublimation inks for their synthetic fabrics because of the desired color gamut and how the finished product will be used. (Example: flags and banners, sportswear or soft signage) Knowing your fabric helps define the printing solution.

Heat Transfer Dye Sublimation Paper Roll For Textile Printing

Anti Curl Smooth Sublimation Transfer Paper for Textile Printing

Waterproof Sticky Back Sublimation Heat Transfer Paper For Larger

2. Ink

The biggest question to address when it comes to digital textile printing is what ink to use, and the answer is determined by the desired fabric and use of the fabric. See the chart below for a general description of what ink is used on different types of fabrics and the necessary finishing steps for each ink.
90gsm Fast Dry Dye Sublimation Heat Transfer Paper For Textiles Printing

Pigment ink – Natural and Synthetic fibers: Currently the ink we manufacture the most for soft furnishings, interior decoration and fashion clothing is p50i pigment ink. This ink is a true pigment ink in that there is a pigment colored particle suspended within a binder system in the ink. The binder enables the ink to adhere to the fiber after fixation (roll fixation Calendar). There are 8 colors in the ink set including; Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black, (true) Gray, Orange, Violet and Red. This ink set provides for a good color gamut, though the color gamut is not as wide as is possible with dye-based inks. This ink can also print onto the widest range of fabrics including cotton, silk, rayon, cotton/poly blends, and 100% polyester in a variety of weights. No pre-treatment is necessary however optional pretreats are available that increase the color gamut and also the wash fastness but a specific pretreat machine is required. This is becoming extremely popular as Pigment inks are a greener solution that require no water and specialized fixation, steaming or washing etc in process. And when a printer and pretreat machine are added the results are quite spectacular and favored by architects and designers.
Acid & Reactive ink – Natural Fibers: There are 2 different types of common dye based inks available to digital printers. The dye-based inks require the use of a fabric with a specific pre-treatment. Acid and Reactive inks require moist heat as in steaming for fixation. The advantage of the dye-based inks is the color gamut is wider. A general rule of thumb is that the same type of ink should be used digitally in an application that is printed by screen printing. A softer hand or feel is common along with a better wash fastness because of the nature of the Dye inks. Dye inks penetrate fabrics extremely well but require a lot of processing steps to make it ready for use. Typically pretreating, heat, washing and steaming are employed to fixate fabrics. The equipment required in process is typically industrial and specialized. We recommend Acid and Reactive inks for larger scale operations where the meters printed per hour warrant the capital investment.
Sublimation/Disperse Dye ink – Polyester, Lycra and Spandex: applications for Sublimation ink is banners or flags, soft signage and sportswear. The fabric is typically high content Polyester, Lycra and Spandex. Sublimation is the most popular with class 1 and 2 printers. Once printed you transfer off a sublimation ink receptive paper roll or direct print to the fabric. Heat fixation >200ºC is needed for the gaseous dye transfer to polyester fibers. The colors are brighter and leave no hand or feel are wash and UV stable. For higher speed printers it’s essential to have a degassed ink delivery system and the print heads that is used will need to have a calibrated ink to perform well, or offer long term repeatability. The heat fixation process is either with a Heat Press or Roll fixation Calendar. A broad range of colors (15) including Neon are readily available.

120gsm Roll Size Fast Dry Sublimation Transfer Paper For Hard Surface

100gsm Roll Size Fast Dry Sublimation Transfer Paper For Inkjet Printer

00gsm Roll Size Fast Dry Sublimation Transfer Paper For Polyester

3. Printers

There are several types of printers in the market, but all of them can be placed into 1 of 3 classes based primarily on types of ink or fabric feeding methods.
Class 1 type printers generally run sublimation/disperse dyes in combination with transfer papers – Sizes of printers and speeds are relative to your market needs. Curing is either by heat press or heat fixation Calendars. (Sportswear manufacture, soft signage and hard surface products).
Class 2 printers are for direct to fabric printing and generally are the same printer but with a gutter for printing strike through. This is especially useful in banner printing, like class 1 they still use sublimation/disperse dye inks but can print direct to non-stretch treated polyester fabrics. Curing is mostly done with a roll fixation Calendar. (Sportswear and Soft Signage note: Calendars will transfer and fixate cut pieces for apparel manufacture).
Class 3 printers are designed to print fabrics with stretch. Typically Synthetics and natural fibers that have 2 way or 4 way stretch properties. The main difference is that the feeding system has been developed to make sure there is minimal shift in the fabric as it is fed through the printer. There is primarily two types of stretch fabric feeders. One utilizing a large blanket or conveyor that needs a glue to be applied so that fabric is held firm while being printed. The other type is via a roll fed device with a pressure roller. Both work well but it really is dependent on the speed of the prints and type of printer that is incorporated. For example the lower cost industrial Japanese printers like Roland, Mimaki and Mutoh typically run at production speeds of depending on the model– A roller fed device will be all that is needed because of the relative slow speeds of print and fabric feed. A bespoke printer with larger heads like Ricoh, Konica Minolta etc will run a lot faster because of the number of print heads they use – These printers can reach speed up to 200-400sqm/h and all typically employ a sticky belt/blanket.

00gsm Roll Size Fast Dry Sublimation Transfer Paper For Polyester

Waterproof Sticky Back Sublimation Heat Transfer Paper For Larger Format Printer 100m/Roll

Anti Curl Smooth Sublimation Transfer Paper for Textile Printing 36"/44"/63"/64"

4. Software

The software that comes with the printer converts the data generated in the design created on a computer into information the printer can understand. It will optimize the colors of the design to get as close a match to what you want as possible. It also tells the printer where to place the ink drops and in what size. Some software programs will also let you manipulate an image with steps, repeats and drops so that you don’t have to do that in the design software such as Photoshop.

5. Fixing the Fabric

The ink and the fabric you choose will determine how your fabric needs to be fixed (finished):
  • Pigment Ink – Dry Heat – Typically through a roll fixation Calendar or Heat Press
  • Acid Dye – Steam – Wash – Dry – Typically large Industrial specialized equipment
  • Reactive Dye – Steam – Wash – Dry – Typically large Industrial specialized equipment
  • Dispersed Dye/ Sublimation – Dry Heat – Typically through a roll fixation Calendar or Heat Press
At Pigmentinc we have been processing fabrics digitally for well over decade and our combined expertise in ink manufacture and fixation has led us to be the first choice for a number of well-known brands and companies. We specialize in-plant setups and can deliver textile decorating solutions through all stages of the process. From simple t-shirts to all over building banners. We also offer a training facilities in Australia, Singapore, Europe and the U.S to help operators, and educational facilities understand the correct process and techniques.
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Sunday, February 14, 2016

The New Wave of Digital Fabric Printing Technology With Sublimation Materials

Textile printing is a method by which fabrics are printed in various colors, arts and designs. It is a very old art developed and created on fabrics in Egypt during 5000 B.C. Fabrics also found printed in Greek during 4th century. B.C, also it is noted that printing blocks were sourced from India in 5th century. B.C. During that time, France acknowledged as popular center of this type of cloth production and printing. Japan was popular for adding stencil work in wood by making blocks and further by pasting dies and prints it in fabrics.

In the Mid-15th Century, with the invention of printing press by John Gutenberg there was a drastic change seen in printing technology and textile printing. After practicing by William Caxton in England, there was a remarkable widespread seen in relief printing technology in 1476. In sixteen and seventeen century with the export of spices, India became major provider of printing fabrics and products, like calico, pajama, gingham, dungaree, chintz and khaki according to the requirement of European countries. Then by the efforts by Grant, Thomas Bell and many printers, with the invention of wood block (1760), copper block (1770) and copper roller (1797) printing technology in the eighteenth century, especially the trend of cotton printing spread, still it can be seen at the Toile de Jouy Museum.

The history of fabric printing in Dartford goes away with Augustus Applegath's acceptance of a silk printing works in the town and it sustained until 1865 when James Keymer established a new fabric printing works on the banks of the River Darent. In 1907 Samuel Simon was used a fabric printing system in which the designs were shaped from stencils through screen printing machines. In 1940's first photographic stencil was built up by Colin Sharp. After development of computers, the printing process and its developments geared up in their colors.
Dye Sublimation Transfer Paper For Digital Printing Bed Sheet

Development in last two decades

With the improvement in the printing technology, color inkjet printers played an important role in digital fabrics for the consumer market in the late 1980s. That time Canon and Hewlett-Packard became leaders in the printing technology. Canon's Bubble Jet printers were received so acceptance in the market. Again latest technology geared up in their improvement with the existence of a large format color inkjet printer - the Iris printer in the 1990s, but that technology was not considered as ideal tool for the fabrics due to light sensitive color problem, rather it was accepted for paper printing.

Earlier, direct printing method used for fabric with the computer and the printing is made with the computer inks; it was the time where fabric was printed using only black images or text because of the availability of only laser printers and ribbon printers and there were no color printers. In 1999 Bubble Jet Set printing technology developed, which permits fabric to be treated, amalgamated to freezer paper with an iron and then operate through an ink jet printer.

The meaning of Digital fabric/Textile Printing

The digital fabrics printing technology is existed since last decade, it emerged after 1994. It is a skill that prints the designs on fabric, immediately from your computer, without extra efforts just like printing and designing a paper. Digital textile printing is a flexible tool and a key acceptable to the vision of mass customization. It permits the user to evade the screen making process, offering the chance for quick changes to color or design elements prior to printing.

CMYK LM LC 6 Colors Sublimation Dye Ink For Digital Printing Bed Sheet
Advantages of digital fabric printing over traditional printing technology

Generally, textile printing has been operated through transferring media, such as screens and rollers. Each transferring media is designed and allocated for a specific color. A block printing and engraved copper printing are operating through these methods. A number of woodblocks that are designed in block printing give a number of colors in design. Advantage of using this type of method is that you can have three dimensional effects due to its color separation and layers, and still today rotary screen printing method is used in designing of traditional floral patterns and toile designs. Mechanical or traditional fabric printing methods some times manipulate in both way, by design aesthetics and styles, while in the field of printed textile design with the latest digital fabric printing technology it enhanced the style and meaning of printed textile design. It is a fact that the new latest methods of digital printing on fabrics have exposed new horizons to the designers and manufacturers. Digital printing methods have facilitated manufactures to make a digital sampling and have advantages of change in designs before engraving. By adopting digital printing techniques you can re-adjust conventional printing design and can able to give new looks in design.

Today, many customers are demanding fabrics to be printed with various color combinations, styles, designs, traditional designs and looks, but to co-up with these customization demands there has been a limitation to attend the entire mass market with traditional printing technology. Digital printing profits over conventional printing it provide noteworthy benefits like quick turn-around, efficient set-up and speed, economical and great flexibility, takes less time, alteration possible etc. And in today's customer oriented market the printing technology is not limited to wearing wears; but it bounds to its limits and reaches to the requirements of trade show graphics, picture of huge fabric posters of television and movie stars, advertising purposes, flags and banners and many mores.
100gsm 2.5m Anti-curl Large Format Fast Dry Sublimation Paper For Fabric

Unlike any traditional textile printing technology, the main benefit of digital fabric printing is in its process color application with its latest printers, software applications. Photographic and tonal graphics shaped millions of colors with Photoshop and can be printed on fabric according to the color combination requirement. Wider color scope and finer printing quality are available with the latest development of inks, color management software. In the traditional process colors of CMYK sublimation inks, you can have various color combination with addition of extra preset colors like orange, blue, green, and also there is availability of various type of software with these complex color combination. These preset colors reduce importance of screens or rollers for printing, and there is no need of repeat the size and other combination with no limit with color combinations in designs.

From digital textile printing technology you can have latest innovative and creative deigns like concepts of shadow, shimmering, vibration, reflection, moire, optical, translucent, netting, blurring, layering, superimposing, etc., instead of making special efforts with traditional methods of printing. Today, the printing technology developed so tremendously and became so eco-friendly, user-friendly that, even designers can make its products without taking help from textile designers.

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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Dye Sublimation Printing For Digital Garments

Sublimation Transfer Paper For Digital Printing Garment

Garment printing was all but untouched by technology for two thousand years. The most popular method of transferring a design onto a piece of clothing was called screen printing. It consisted of applying ink or paint onto a stenciled design and then stamping it onto a garment. Archeologists tell us that the technique originated in China before the Common Era.

Technology finally offered up a new option in the late 1980s. That was when the first color inkjet printers were introduced by Hewlett-Packard and Canon. Of course, these printers didn't reproduce designs on fabrics, but it wasn't long before one was modified to do so.

The first digital printing on garments was little more than a novelty. Bubble jet printers could be used to recreate pictures and designs on basic white T-shirts and fabrics. But the technology and the materials were far too expensive for regular, working businesses.

The Iris printer was the first large color inkjet printer that was designed to print on something other than paper. The textile industry recognized its potential and invested in the new technology. In the early 1990s, however, it was little more than a test project. The machine was capable of digital printing basic designs on short run production. Replacement cartridges and parts were simply too expensive for the machine to handle high volume printing.

The addition of relatively inexpensive dye-sublimation inks encouraged companies in the textile industry to invest in digital printing. In time, however, they realized that these dye were inexpensive for a reason, i.e., they were not durable. Not only did they fade in the sunlight, but they ran when they got wet.

The technology was virtually abandoned by all but the true believers who were willing to invest in making the ink waterproof. A product known as Bubble Jet Set offered a simple solution to the problem. It new ink bonded to natural fibers, which made it waterproof. What are the pros and cons?
Sublimation Transfer Paper For Digital Printing on Polyester Fabric
Digital printing on garments is still expensive. Nearly twenty years after the technology was introduced, it has yet to catch on with small printers. The question has always been price. There is no doubt that digital printing creates a superior product than the other garment printing methods. Not only is the picture clearer and more colorful, but it also does not change the texture or the feel of the garment. Unfortunately, few small businesses can afford the initial investment in digital printers or the costs of replacement parts and repairs.

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